2009 POGO-PML Shipboard Training Fellowship onboard AMT cruise

General Information

5 Oct 2009 to 18 Dec 2009

AMT19, the second in the series of cruises funded by the Oceans 2025 programme set sail from the UK on 13 October 2009 and arrived in Chile on 1 December 2009.  The principal scientist was Andy Rees from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory.

This was the longest voyage to date covering an immense 8500 miles continuing the long-term collection of biological and chemical observations of the remote Atlantic ecosystem. This included research examining the impact of ocean acidification on the activity of specific marine bacteria that are an important part of the global nitrogen cycle. New techniques were developed to determine concentration levels and microbial turnover of compounds that are important in atmospheric chemistry and provide a carbon source for marine bacteria and phytoplankton. Results from this research will increase our understanding of the processes that occur in the Atlantic Ocean and will eventually feed into ecosystem models to help forecast global change.

Priority areas

What is offered

The selected candidate had the opportunity to:

- Visit Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) in the UK, for one month prior to the start of the cruise to participate in cruise preparation and planning;

- Go on the cruise and help make hydrological, bio-optical and/or ecological observations; and

- After the cruise, spend approximately one additional month at PML, learning to analyse the results statistically and interpret them.


Who can apply

This fellowship program was open to early scientists, technicians, postgraduate students (PhD or MSc) and Post-doctoral Fellows involved in oceanographic work at centres in developing countries and countries with economies in transition.

How to apply

Applications are closed for this fellowship.

Review process

Applications are closed for this fellowship.


Applications are closed for this fellowship.