Vanessa Fernández Rodríguez


Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia)
21 Jun 2019 to 9 Jul 2019

Research subject:

Benthic fauna and organic matter enrichment


Dr. Brian Bett (National Oceanography Centre, UK)

Short cv:

I hold a BSc in Biology from University of Antioquia (Colombia) and a Master degree in Marine Biology and Coastal Environments from Fluminense Federal University (Brazil). While studying at University of Antioquia, I developed a particular interest in marine biology, which gave me the opportunity to be part of research projects as a student trainee, and to visit The Smithsonian Tropical Research (STRI, Panamá). At STRI I learned about taxonomy identification of annelid groups and sampling campaigns. After completing my BSc, I undertook a master in Marine Biology and Coastal Environments at Federal Fluminense University (Brazil) focusing my investigation on the effect of organic matter on polychaetes assemblages. In my master thesis I developed expertise in marine ecology, pollution, benthic fauna, and meta-analysis techniques in ecology.

Now I work as a part time professor at University of Antioquia giving lectures in bachelor courses such as ecology, marine biology, invertebrate zoology and climatology. My current research is focused on polychaete ecology from shallow depths and the effect of organic matter on benthic fauna. I also have experience in polychaete taxonomy and invasive species from mangrove roots. 

In this training I will have the opportunity to explore the biodiversity from deep seabed locations and learn about the sampling, sorting and preservation procedures for this kind of fauna. Also, I will have the opportunity to be involved with measurements of meteorological and biogeochemical data from the water column.

This cruise experience in Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory will allow me to gain knowledge about deep sea invertebrates. This new knowledge will be used to explore the potential deep-sea areas of Colombia; and will also create new work networks between Colombia and England that could be used for future research projects for graduate and undergraduate students.