Short cv:
My research has focused on the observational study of the surface ocean circulation in the Gulf of Mexico through Lagrangian measurements, moored current meters, and satellite data. Recently I worked on ocean energy research in Mexico, specifically from ocean currents and thermal gradients, and I am very passionate about marine science outreach.
I graduated as an oceanologist from the Autonomous University of Baja California and pursued a master's in Physical Oceanography at the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada (CICESE). During my master's, I worked within the Research Group with Lagrangian Observations (GIOLA, for its acronym in Spanish) in the Megaproject funded by the Mexican Ministry of Energy to study oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico through the Gulf of Mexico Research Consortium (CIGOM, for its acronym in Spanish). During the NoSoAT expedition, I will work on a mini project about ocean circulation with observations and model outputs supervised by Dr. Vera Fofonova and Dr. Dmitry Sidorenko.